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Supplements to Privacy Notice by State

If you're a resident of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Montana, Oregon, Texas, Utah, or Virginia you can find access to state specific supplementals to our privacy notice below.

California Consumer Privacy Act

If you are a California resident, you have certain rights with respect to your personal information. Those rights and how you may exercise them are described below. The fact that you have elected to exercise these rights will have no adverse effect on the price and quality of our products. Right to Request Information About Disclosure to Third Parties for Their Direct Marketing Purposes. You may request information about our disclosure of personal information to third parties or affiliated companies for their direct marketing purposes. To make such request, please email us at the address listed above. Please allow up to 30 days for us to process your request. You may submit such a request once per year.

Right to Know.

You may request that we provide you for the last 12 months a list of the categories of personal information we have collected about you, the categories of sources from which it was collected, the business purpose for collecting or “selling” the information, and the categories of “third parties” to whom we disclosed or “sold” that information. You may also request that we provide you in machine readable format a copy of the specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you in the past 12 months. You may make a request to know up to two times in a 12-month period, subject to limitations described in the law. For a list of general categories of information that we have collected and shared in the past 12 months, see the tables above in the “What We Collect and Why” and “How We Share Your Data” sections.

Right to Delete.

You may request that we delete any personal information that we have collected from you. However, the law exempts certain information from deletion. For example, we may keep information necessary for security and fraud detection. We also may keep information needed to provide you goods or services. For example, if you ask us to delete your data but retain your loyalty account, we will keep the information we need to continue providing you loyalty benefits. When we respond to your request to delete, we will explain what (if any) information we have kept and why. Please note that the law does not consider anonymized or pseudonymized information to be “personal information,” and we may “delete” your information by anonymizing or pseudonymizing it.


You have the right to be free from discrimination for using these rights. We will not deny you goods or services, charge you different rates, or give you different discounts because you used one of these rights. How to make a request. You may make a request to know or delete by emailing or click here for our privacy compliance toll-free number . When you make a request, we will take steps to verify your identity before responding. This is to protect your information. We will ask you to provide us your email and physical address. If you maintain an account with us, these must match the addresses connected to your account. We will then send you a physical letter to this address with a one-time code. You must email us this code from the email address you provided. Once you do, we will respond to your request.

Authorized Representatives.

You may also designate an authorized representative to make data subject rights requests on your behalf. We will require verification that you did in fact authorize the representative. Unless the law requires otherwise, your authorized representative must provide contact details for you. We will contact you to confirm that you authorized the representative. Once you confirm, we will promptly respond to the rights request. Contact for More Information. If you have questions please contact

Right To Opt Out of “Sale” of Personal Information

If you are a California resident, you have the right to opt out of the “sale” of your personal information to “third parties.”

Sale is defined very broadly. The law defines “sale” more broadly than you might think. It doesn’t just include the exchange of data for money. Instead, it covers any transfer of personal information to a “third party” in exchange for “other valuable consideration.”

We do not transfer your information to third parties in exchange for money and we will not do so. However, we do transfer personal information to certain third parties in order to operate our business (for example, to market our products and services). It is possible that someone could claim that this transfer was in exchange for “other valuable consideration.” We want to be careful with and respectful of your information. Therefore, if you opt out, we will not transfer your information to any “third party” except as explained below (and allowed by law).

Opting out may have impacts you don’t expect. Any transfer of data to a “third party” may be considered a “sale” of data. The law considers any other business a “third party” unless that business agrees to specific contractual provisions. We try to get all of the businesses to whom we send information to add this special language to their contracts with us. But not everyone will or can agree to those terms.

As a result, if you opt out of the “sale” of data, we will not be able to send data to some of our business partners. That may mean that, after you opt out, you may not receive all of the marketing and other information you are accustomed to receiving from us. In the extreme, if one of our critical partners cannot agree to the special contract language, and is considered a “third party”, it is possible that some features of our web site or other services may not work for you after you opt out.

In addition, California law prevents us from asking you to “opt in” for a year after you “opt out.” We are allowed to tell you, however, if a specific transaction requires a transfer of data to a third party. We may alert you if a transaction requires a transfer to a third party so that you can opt in if you would like to continue with the transaction.

Minors. We do not “sell” the data of people under 16, and do not intend to collect data related to people who are under 13.

Exceptions to the opt out. The law creates several exceptions that are important for you to be aware of.

We are allowed to transfer data to a “service provider” even if you opt out. The law does not consider that kind of transfer to be a “sale.” A service provider is a business that agrees not to use your information for any purpose other than providing the services specified in our contract. For example, we transfer data to business partners to provide data security and detect fraud. Those businesses are “service providers.” Even if you opt out, we will continue to transfer data to our service providers. We are also allowed to transfer your data to a third party where you direct the transfer or direct us to interact with the third party. For example, if you direct us to use a specific payment method to pay for your order, even if you have opted out, we will still transfer the data necessary to process your order.

Collecting information and using it ourselves is not a “sale.” Opting out of the “sale” of your data does not prevent us from continuing to collect and process your personal information. You can learn more about how and why we collect personal information in the section "What We Collect And Why" above. The “opt out” only applies to “personal information.” This is information that is or is capable of being linked to you. We use anonymization and pseudonymization to protect privacy. That data is not “personal information.” Opting out will not limit our transfer of that data to third parties.

Technical limitations on opt out. Please note that there are technical limits to our ability to identify data related to you and, if you opt out, to prevent the “sale” of that information to other parties. Where we can reasonably determine that information relates to you and you have opted out, we will not “sell” it to “third parties” (except as allowed by the law). However, we may not be able to determine that information relates to you. In that case, the information may be “sold” to a third party.

Opting out is not unsubscribe. Opting out of the “sale” of personal information will not prevent you from receiving marketing messages from us. If you wish to unsubscribe from our emails, please follow the unsubscribe link in one of our emails. If you wish to unsubscribe from text messages, please follow the unsubscribe process for the program you opted into.

How to opt out.

If you would like to opt out of the “sale” of your data, you have several options. You may click the opt out button (located at the bottom of this page), you may email us at, or click here for our privacy compliance toll-free number . You will not be required to create an account in order to opt out.

If you have an account. The easiest way to opt out is to “log in” to your account and then click the opt out button. If you do, the email address associated with your account will be opted out, and we will set a cookie on your device to facilitate your opt out. That cookie will enable us to identify you if you return and allow us to prevent data from being “sold”. If you delete the cookie or return using a different device or browser and are not “logged in” to your account, we will not be able to connect the session to your opt out and will not be able to prevent the “sale” of the data.

If you want to opt out using email or our toll-free number, you will need to follow more steps. If you want to opt out an email address that is different from the email on your account, you will need to use the email or toll-free number to do so. To use the email or toll-free numbers to opt out, you or your authorized representative will need to provide us the email address you wish to opt out. We will then send a message to that address. You must reply from that email address to complete the process. This extra step is to authenticate you and prevent fraud and abuse. If you want multiple email addresses opted out, you must provide each address to us. This is because we have no reasonable way to use a single address you give us to link to other addresses you may have.

If you email us or use the toll free number, we will have no way of setting a cookie on your device. This will limit our ability to prevent the “sale” of data. For this reason, the opt out button is the most complete way to opt out of the “sale” of data.

If you do not have an account. The most complete way to opt out is to use the “opt out” button and then follow the prompts to email us the email addresses you would like opted out. If you do, we will set a cookie on your device to facilitate your opt out. That cookie will enable us to identify you if you return and allow us to prevent data from being “sold”. If you delete the cookie or return using a different device or browser, we will not be able to connect the session to your opt out and will not be able to prevent the “sale” of the data.

After you click the “opt out” button, if you want to opt an email address out, you must follow the prompts and provide us the address. In the alternative, you may email us or use the toll free number. In either case, you or your authorized representative will need to provide us the email address you wish to opt out. We will then send a message to that address. You must reply from that email address to complete the process. This extra step is to authenticate you and prevent fraud and abuse. If you want multiple email addresses opted out, you must provide each address to us. This is because we have no reasonable way to use a single address you give us to link to other addresses you may have.

If you email us or use the toll free number, we will have no way of setting a cookie on your device. This will limit our ability to prevent the “sale” of data. For this reason, the opt out button is the most complete way to opt out of the “sale” of data.

Your guest session is currently opted in

More on privacy. We take the security and privacy of your data very seriously. If you would like to learn more about it, please read our Privacy Policy .

California Transparency in Supply Chains Act

Urban Outfitters, Inc. and its affiliated companies, including without limitation Urban Outfitters Wholesale, Inc., and URBN UK Limited (collectively, “Urban Outfitters” or the “Company”) are committed to conducting business in a lawful, ethical and responsible manner. Moreover, the Company expects its manufacturing and market vendors (“Suppliers”) to share this same commitment. Accordingly, the Company has implemented certain controls and programs to verify that its Suppliers are meeting the Company’s expectations.

The Company’s Vendor Code of Conduct & Responsible Sourcing Policy (the “Code of Conduct”), as well as other corporate policies and procedures, set forth the Company’s guiding principles that Suppliers must conduct business in a lawful, ethical and responsible manner. As a condition of doing business with Urban Outfitters, each Supplier must agree to conduct its business in conformance with the Code of Conduct.


Under the Code of Conduct, Urban Outfitters Suppliers certify that they will conduct business in compliance with the law, including, among other things, without child labor, without forced or compulsory labor, without corporal punishment, without discrimination and in compliance with wage and hour requirements, health and safety and environmental laws.


The Company maintains long-standing business relationships with a limited number of Suppliers that have been vetted through an internal screening process. One element of the screening process includes an internal assessment of the risk that the Supplier will not comply with the Code of Conduct, including the prohibition of human trafficking and slavery. The Company's production, sourcing and compliance personnel visit manufacturing facilities to evaluate and address the risks of a Supplier's noncompliance with the Code of Conduct.


Under the Code of Conduct, Urban Outfitters' Suppliers certify that they will conduct business in compliance with the law, including, among other things, without child labor, without forced or compulsory labor, without corporal punishment, without discrimination and in compliance with wage and hour requirements, health and safety and environmental laws.

Internal Accountability Standards

When non-conformance with the Code of Conduct is identified, Urban Outfitters' works with the Supplier to identify the cause of the non-compliance and to develop an action plan to assure future compliance. The Company believes that this strategy is in the best interest of the Supplier, its employees and the Company's customers. Remedial efforts may also include additional audits or inspections. In the event of continued non-conformance or serious violations of the Code of Conduct, the Company reserves the right to terminate the business relationship with the Supplier.


Urban Outfitters' production and sourcing personnel receive on-the-job training, are members of professional affiliations, and attend external training seminars to help further develop their ability to identify and evaluate risks in the supply chain.

Colorado Privacy Act

Rights and Disclosures for Colorado Residents

YOUR RIGHTS Our goal is to serve you. We know you want to control your data and you have the right to do so. Here is a list of the rights you have as a resident of Colorado:

  • You can ask whether or not we are processing your personal data and ask for a copy of your data or info about what we collect, why and who we share it with. You will also be able to share the copy with other companies.
  • You can ask us to correct your data or to delete some of it
  • You can ask to opt-out of the processing of your personal data pertaining to targeted advertising; the sale of personal data; profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning you (see below for more information on your right to opt-out)

RIGHT TO OPT OUT If you are a Colorado resident, you have the right to opt out of the “sale” of your personal information to “third parties” Sale is defined very broadly. The law defines “sale” more broadly than you might think. It doesn’t just include the exchange of data for money. Instead, it covers any transfer of personal information to a “third party” in exchange for “monetary or other valuable consideration” We do not transfer your information to third parties in exchange for money and we will not do so. However, we do transfer personal information to certain third parties in order to operate our business (for example, to market our products and services). It is possible that someone could claim that this transfer was in exchange for “monetary or other valuable consideration.” We want to be careful with and respectful of your information. Therefore, if you opt out, we will not transfer your information to any “third party” except as explained below (and allowed by law).

Opting out may have impacts you don’t expect. Any transfer of data to a “third party” may be considered a “sale” of data. The law considers any other business a “third party” unless that business agrees to specific contractual provisions, aligning with the role and responsibilities of “processor” under Colorado Law. We try to get all of the businesses to whom we send information to accept the role of “processor” and agree to the respective responsibilities in our contract. But not everyone will or can agree to those terms. As a result, if you opt out of the “sale” of data, we will not be able to send data to some of our business partners. That may mean that, after you opt out, you may not receive all of the marketing and other information you are accustomed to receiving from us. In the extreme, if one of our critical partners cannot agree to the special contract language, and is considered a “third party”, it is possible that some features of our web site or other services may not work for you after you opt out.

In addition, if you opt-out, we may alert you if a transaction requires a transfer to a third party so that you can opt in if you would like to continue with the transaction.

Minors. We do not “sell” the data of people under 16, and do not intend to collect data related to people who are under 13.

Exceptions to the opt out. The law creates several exceptions that are important for you to be aware of.

We are allowed to transfer data to a “processor” even if you opt out. The law does not consider that kind of transfer to be a “sale.” A processor is a business that agrees not to use your information for any purpose other than providing the services specified in our contract. For example, we transfer data to business partners to provide data security and detect fraud. Those businesses are “processors.” Even if you opt out, we will continue to transfer data to our processors.

We are also allowed to transfer your data to a third party where you direct the transfer or direct us to interact with the third party. For example, if you direct us to use a specific payment method to pay for your order, even if you have opted out, we will still transfer the data necessary to process your order.

Collecting information and using it ourselves is not a “sale.” Opting out of the “sale” of your data does not prevent us from continuing to collect and process your personal information. You can learn more about how and why we collect personal information at our Notice of Collection . The “opt out” only applies to “personal information.” This is information that is or is capable of being linked to you. We use anonymization and pseudonymization to protect privacy. That data is not “personal information” Opting out will not limit our transfer of that data to third parties.

Technical limitations on opt out. Please note that there are technical limits to our ability to identify data related to you and, if you opt out, to prevent the “sale” of that information to other parties. Where we can reasonably determine that information relates to you and you have opted out, we will not “sell” it to “third parties” (except as allowed by the law). However, we may not be able to determine that information relates to you. In that case, the information may be “sold” to a third party.

Opting out is not unsubscribe. Opting out of the “sale” of personal information will not prevent you from receiving marketing messages from us. If you wish to unsubscribe from our emails, please follow the unsubscribe link in one of our emails. If you wish to unsubscribe from text messages, please follow the unsubscribe process for the program you opted into.

Opting-out multiple email addresses If you want multiple email addresses opted out, you must provide each address to us. This is because we have no reasonable way to use a single address you give us to link to other addresses you may have.

HOW TO MAKE A REQUEST If you would like to opt out of the “sale” of your data, you have several options. You may click the opt out button (located below), you may email us at, or click here for our privacy compliance toll-free number . You will not be required to create an account in order to opt out.

If you have an account. The easiest way to opt out is to “log in” to your account and then click the opt out button. If you do, the email address associated with your account will be opted out, and we will set a cookie on your device to facilitate your opt out. That cookie will enable us to identify you if you return and allow us to prevent data from being “sold”. If you delete the cookie or return using a different device or browser and are not “logged in” to your account, we will not be able to connect the session to your opt out and will not be able to prevent the “sale” of the data.

If you want to opt out using email or our toll-free number, you will need to follow more steps. If you want to opt out an email address that is different from the email on your account, you will need to use the email or toll-free number to do so. To use the email or toll-free numbers to opt out, you or your authorized representative will need to provide us the email address you wish to opt out. If you want multiple email addresses opted out, you must provide each address to us. This is because we have no reasonable way to use a single address you give us to link to other addresses you may have.

If you email us or use the toll free number, we will have no way of setting a cookie on your device. This will limit our ability to prevent the “sale” of data. For this reason, the opt out button is the most complete way to opt out of the “sale” of data.

If you do not have an account. The most complete way to opt out is to use the “opt out” button and then follow the prompts to email us the email addresses you would like opted out. If you do, we will set a cookie on your device to facilitate your opt out. That cookie will enable us to identify you if you return and allow us to prevent data from being “sold”. If you delete the cookie or return using a different device or browser, we will not be able to connect the session to your opt out and will not be able to prevent the “sale” of the data.

After you click the “opt out” button, if you want to opt an email address out, you must follow the prompts and provide us the address. In the alternative, you may email us or use the toll free number. In either case, you or your authorized representative will need to provide us the email address you wish to opt out. If you want multiple email addresses opted out, you must provide each address to us. This is because we have no reasonable way to use a single address you give us to link to other addresses you may have.

If you email us or use the toll free number, we will have no way of setting a cookie on your device. This will limit our ability to prevent the “sale” of data. For this reason, the opt out button is the most complete way to opt out of the “sale” of data.

Your guest session is currently opted in

HOW TO APPEAL A DECISION PERTAINING TO A REQUEST Should we deem it necessary to refuse a request, our response will include our reason as well as instructions to appeal the decision. Per CO Law, you will need to appeal within a “reasonable period of time“ after receipt of the decision. Within 45 days of receipt of an appeal, we will inform you in writing of any action taken or not taken in response to the appeal. If the appeal is denied, you may contact the CO Attorney General to submit a complaint.

MORE ON PRIVACY. We take the security and privacy of your data very seriously. If you would like to learn more about it, please read our Privacy Policy .

Connecticut Data Privacy Act

Rights and Disclosures for Connecticut Residents

YOUR RIGHTS Our goal is to serve you. We know you want to control your data and you have the right to do so. Here is a list of the rights you have as a resident of Connecticut:

  • You can ask whether or not we are processing your personal data and ask for a copy of your data or info about what we collect, why and who we share it with. You will also be able to share the copy with other companies.
  • You can ask us to correct your data or to delete some of it
  • You can ask to opt-out of the processing of your personal data pertaining to targeted advertising; the sale of personal data; profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning you (see below for more information on your right to opt-out)

RIGHT TO OPT OUT If you are a Connecticut resident, you have the right to opt out of the “sale” of your personal information to “third parties” Sale is defined very broadly. The law defines “sale” more broadly than you might think. It doesn’t just include the exchange of data for money. Instead, it covers any transfer of personal information to a “third party” in exchange for “monetary or other valuable consideration” We do not transfer your information to third parties in exchange for money and we will not do so. However, we do transfer personal information to certain third parties in order to operate our business (for example, to market our products and services). It is possible that someone could claim that this transfer was in exchange for “monetary or other valuable consideration.” We want to be careful with and respectful of your information. Therefore, if you opt out, we will not transfer your information to any “third party” except as explained below (and allowed by law).

Opting out may have impacts you don’t expect. Any transfer of data to a “third party” may be considered a “sale” of data. The law considers any other business a “third party” unless that business agrees to specific contractual provisions, aligning with the role and responsibilities of “processor” under Connecticut Law. We try to get all of the businesses to whom we send information to accept the role of “processor” and agree to the respective responsibilities in our contract. But not everyone will or can agree to those terms. As a result, if you opt out of the “sale” of data, we will not be able to send data to some of our business partners. That may mean that, after you opt out, you may not receive all of the marketing and other information you are accustomed to receiving from us. In the extreme, if one of our critical partners cannot agree to the special contract language, and is considered a “third party”, it is possible that some features of our web site or other services may not work for you after you opt out.

In addition, if you opt-out, we may alert you if a transaction requires a transfer to a third party so that you can opt in if you would like to continue with the transaction.

Minors. We do not “sell” the data of people under 16, and do not intend to collect data related to people who are under 13.

Exceptions to the opt out. The law creates several exceptions that are important for you to be aware of.

We are allowed to transfer data to a “processor” even if you opt out. The law does not consider that kind of transfer to be a “sale.” A processor is a business that agrees not to use your information for any purpose other than providing the services specified in our contract. For example, we transfer data to business partners to provide data security and detect fraud. Those businesses are “processors.” Even if you opt out, we will continue to transfer data to our processors.

We are also allowed to transfer your data to a third party where you direct the transfer or direct us to interact with the third party. For example, if you direct us to use a specific payment method to pay for your order, even if you have opted out, we will still transfer the data necessary to process your order.

Collecting information and using it ourselves is not a “sale.” Opting out of the “sale” of your data does not prevent us from continuing to collect and process your personal information. You can learn more about how and why we collect personal information at our Notice of Collection . The “opt out” only applies to “personal information.” This is information that is or is capable of being linked to you. We use anonymization and pseudonymization to protect privacy. That data is not “personal information” Opting out will not limit our transfer of that data to third parties.

Technical limitations on opt out. Please note that there are technical limits to our ability to identify data related to you and, if you opt out, to prevent the “sale” of that information to other parties. Where we can reasonably determine that information relates to you and you have opted out, we will not “sell” it to “third parties” (except as allowed by the law). However, we may not be able to determine that information relates to you. In that case, the information may be “sold” to a third party.

Opting out is not unsubscribe. Opting out of the “sale” of personal information will not prevent you from receiving marketing messages from us. If you wish to unsubscribe from our emails, please follow the unsubscribe link in one of our emails. If you wish to unsubscribe from text messages, please follow the unsubscribe process for the program you opted into.

Opting-out multiple email addresses If you want multiple email addresses opted out, you must provide each address to us. This is because we have no reasonable way to use a single address you give us to link to other addresses you may have.

HOW TO MAKE A REQUEST If you would like to opt out of the “sale” of your data, you have several options. You may click the opt out button (located below), you may email us at, or click here for our privacy compliance toll-free number . You will not be required to create an account in order to opt out.

If you have an account. The easiest way to opt out is to “log in” to your account and then click the opt out button. If you do, the email address associated with your account will be opted out, and we will set a cookie on your device to facilitate your opt out. That cookie will enable us to identify you if you return and allow us to prevent data from being “sold”. If you delete the cookie or return using a different device or browser and are not “logged in” to your account, we will not be able to connect the session to your opt out and will not be able to prevent the “sale” of the data.

If you want to opt out using email or our toll-free number, you will need to follow more steps. If you want to opt out an email address that is different from the email on your account, you will need to use the email or toll-free number to do so. To use the email or toll-free numbers to opt out, you or your authorized representative will need to provide us the email address you wish to opt out. If you want multiple email addresses opted out, you must provide each address to us. This is because we have no reasonable way to use a single address you give us to link to other addresses you may have.

If you email us or use the toll free number, we will have no way of setting a cookie on your device. This will limit our ability to prevent the “sale” of data. For this reason, the opt out button is the most complete way to opt out of the “sale” of data.

If you do not have an account. The most complete way to opt out is to use the “opt out” button and then follow the prompts to email us the email addresses you would like opted out. If you do, we will set a cookie on your device to facilitate your opt out. That cookie will enable us to identify you if you return and allow us to prevent data from being “sold”. If you delete the cookie or return using a different device or browser, we will not be able to connect the session to your opt out and will not be able to prevent the “sale” of the data.

After you click the “opt out” button, if you want to opt an email address out, you must follow the prompts and provide us the address. In the alternative, you may email us or use the toll free number. In either case, you or your authorized representative will need to provide us the email address you wish to opt out. If you want multiple email addresses opted out, you must provide each address to us. This is because we have no reasonable way to use a single address you give us to link to other addresses you may have.

If you email us or use the toll free number, we will have no way of setting a cookie on your device. This will limit our ability to prevent the “sale” of data. For this reason, the opt out button is the most complete way to opt out of the “sale” of data.

Your guest session is currently opted in

HOW TO APPEAL A DECISION PERTAINING TO A REQUEST Should we deem it necessary to refuse a request, our response will include our reason as well as instructions to appeal the decision. Per CT Law, you will need to appeal within a “reasonable period of time“ after receipt of the decision. Within 45 days of receipt of an appeal, we will inform you in writing of any action taken or not taken in response to the appeal. If the appeal is denied, you may contact the CT Attorney General to submit a complaint.

MORE ON PRIVACY. We take the security and privacy of your data very seriously. If you would like to learn more about it, please read our Privacy Policy. .

Montana Consumer Data Privacy Act

Rights and Disclosures for Montana Residents

YOUR RIGHTS We know you want to control your data and you have the right to do so. Here is a list of the rights you have as a resident of Montana:

  • You can ask whether or not we are processing your personal data and ask for a copy of your data or info about what we collect, why and who we share it with
  • You can ask us to correct your data or to delete some of it
  • You can ask us to transfer data you gave us to other companies
  • You can ask to opt-out of the processing of your personal data pertaining to targeted advertising; the sale of personal data; profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning you (see below for more information on your right to opt-out)
  • You will be notified if your personal data is involved in a data breach


If you are a Montana resident, you have the right to opt out of the “sale” of your personal information to “third parties” Sale is defined very broadly. The law defines “sale” more broadly than you might think. It doesn’t just include the exchange of data for money. Instead, it covers any transfer of personal information to a “third party” in exchange for “monetary consideration” We do not transfer your information to third parties in exchange for money and we will not do so. However, we do transfer personal information to certain third parties in order to operate our business (for example, to market our products and services). It is possible that someone could claim that this transfer was in exchange for “monetary consideration.” We want to be careful with and respectful of your information. Therefore, if you opt out, we will not transfer your information to any “third party” except as explained below (and allowed by law).

Opting out may have impacts you don’t expect. Any transfer of data to a “third party” may be considered a “sale” of data. The law considers any other business a “third party” unless that business agrees to specific contractual provisions, aligning with the role and responsibilities of “processor” under Montana Law. We try to get all of the businesses to whom we send information to accept the role of “processor” and agree to the respective responsibilities in our contract. But not everyone will or can agree to those terms. As a result, if you opt out of the “sale” of data, we will not be able to send data to some of our business partners. That may mean that, after you opt out, you may not receive all of the marketing and other information you are accustomed to receiving from us. In the extreme, if one of our critical partners cannot agree to the special contract language, and is considered a “third party”, it is possible that some features of our web site or other services may not work for you after you opt out.

In addition, if you opt-out, we may alert you if a transaction requires a transfer to a third party so that you can opt in if you would like to continue with the transaction.

Minors. We do not “sell” the data of people under 16, and do not intend to collect data related to people who are under 13.

Exceptions to the opt out. The law creates several exceptions that are important for you to be aware of.

We are allowed to transfer data to a “processor” even if you opt out. The law does not consider that kind of transfer to be a “sale.” A processor is a business that agrees not to use your information for any purpose other than providing the services specified in our contract. For example, we transfer data to business partners to provide data security and detect fraud. Those businesses are “processors.” Even if you opt out, we will continue to transfer data to our processors.

We are also allowed to transfer your data to a third party where you direct the transfer or direct us to interact with the third party. For example, if you direct us to use a specific payment method to pay for your order, even if you have opted out, we will still transfer the data necessary to process your order.

Collecting information and using it ourselves is not a “sale.” Opting out of the “sale” of your data does not prevent us from continuing to collect and process your personal information. You can learn more about how and why we collect personal information at our Notice of Collection . The “opt out” only applies to “personal information.” This is information that is or is capable of being linked to you. We use anonymization and pseudonymization to protect privacy. That data is not “personal information” Opting out will not limit our transfer of that data to third parties.

Technical limitations on opt out. Please note that there are technical limits to our ability to identify data related to you and, if you opt out, to prevent the "sale" of that information to other parties. Where we can reasonably determine that information relates to you and you have opted out, we will not "sell" it to "third parties" (except as allowed by the law). However, we may not be able to determine that information relates to you. In that case, the information may be "sold" to a third party.

Opting out is not unsubscribe. Opting out of the "sale" of personal information will not prevent you from receiving marketing messages from us. If you wish to unsubscribe from our emails, please follow the unsubscribe link in one of our emails. If you wish to unsubscribe from text messages, please follow the unsubscribe process for the program you opted into.

Opting-out multiple email addresses. If you want multiple email addresses opted out, you must provide each address to us. This is because we have no reasonable way to use a single address you give us to link to other addresses you may have.

HOW TO MAKE A REQUEST If you would like to opt out of the "sale" of your data, you have several options. You may click the opt out button (located below), you may email us at or by click here for our privacy compliance toll-free number . You will not be required to create an account in order to opt out.

If you have an account. The easiest way to opt out is to "log in" to your account and then click the opt out button. If you do, the email address associated with your account will be opted out, and we will set a cookie on your device to facilitate your opt out. That cookie will enable us to identify you if you return and allow us to prevent data from being "sold". If you delete the cookie or return using a different device or browser and are not "logged in" to your account, we will not be able to connect the session to your opt out and will not be able to prevent the "sale" of the data.

If you want to opt out using email or our toll-free number, you will need to follow more steps. If you want to opt out an email address that is different from the email on your account, you will need to use the email process or toll-free number to do so. To use the email process or toll-free numbers to opt out, you or your authorized representative will need to provide us the email address you wish to opt out. If you want multiple email addresses opted out, you must provide each address to us. This is because we have no reasonable way to use a single address you give us to link to other addresses you may have.

If you email us or use the toll-free number, we will have no way of setting a cookie on your device. This will limit our ability to prevent the "sale" of data. For this reason, the opt out button is the most complete way to opt out of the "sale" of data.

If you do not have an account. The most complete way to opt out is to use the "opt out" button and then follow the prompts to email us the email addresses you would like opted out. If you do, we will set a cookie on your device to facilitate your opt out. That cookie will enable us to identify you if you return and allow us to prevent data from being "sold". If you delete the cookie or return using a different device or browser, we will not be able to connect the session to your opt out and will not be able to prevent the "sale" of the data.

After you click the “opt out” button, if you want to opt an email address out, you must follow the prompts and provide us the address. In the alternative, you may email us or use the toll free number. If you want multiple email addresses opted out, you must provide each address to us. This is because we have no reasonable way to use a single address you give us to link to other addresses you may have.

If you email us or use the toll-free number, we will have no way of setting a cookie on your device. This will limit our ability to prevent the "sale" of data. For this reason, the opt out button is the most complete way to opt out of the "sale" of data.

Your guest session is currently opted in

Your guest session is currently opted in

HOW TO APPEAL A DECISION PERTAINING TO A REQUEST Should we deem it necessary to refuse a request, our response will include our reason as well as instructions to appeal the decision. Per MT Law, you will need to appeal within a “reasonable period of time“ after receipt of the decision. Within 60 days of receipt of an appeal, we will inform you in writing of any action taken or not taken in response to the appeal. If the appeal is denied, you may contact the MT Attorney General to submit a complaint.

MORE ON PRIVACY. We take the security and privacy of your data very seriously. If you would like to learn more about it, please read our Privacy Policy.

Oregon Consumer Privacy Act

Rights and Disclosures for Oregon Residents

YOUR RIGHTS We know you want to control your data and you have the right to do so. Here is a list of the rights you have as a resident of Oregon:

  • You can ask whether or not we are processing your personal data and ask for a copy of your data or info about what we collect, why and who we share it with
  • You can ask us to correct your data or to delete some of it
  • You can ask us to transfer data you gave us to other companies
  • You can ask to opt-out of the processing of your personal data pertaining to targeted advertising; the sale of personal data; profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning you (see below for more information on your right to opt-out)
  • You will be notified if your personal data is involved in a data breach

RIGHT TO OPT OUT If you are a Oregon resident, you have the right to opt out of the “sale” of your personal information to “third parties” Sale is defined very broadly. The law defines “sale” more broadly than you might think. It doesn’t just include the exchange of data for money. Instead, it covers any transfer of personal information to a “third party” in exchange for “monetary consideration” We do not transfer your information to third parties in exchange for money and we will not do so. However, we do transfer personal information to certain third parties in order to operate our business (for example, to market our products and services). It is possible that someone could claim that this transfer was in exchange for “monetary consideration.” We want to be careful with and respectful of your information. Therefore, if you opt out, we will not transfer your information to any “third party” except as explained below (and allowed by law).

Opting out may have impacts you don’t expect. Any transfer of data to a “third party” may be considered a “sale” of data. The law considers any other business a “third party” unless that business agrees to specific contractual provisions, aligning with the role and responsibilities of “processor” under Texas Law. We try to get all of the businesses to whom we send information to accept the role of “processor” and agree to the respective responsibilities in our contract. But not everyone will or can agree to those terms. As a result, if you opt out of the “sale” of data, we will not be able to send data to some of our business partners. That may mean that, after you opt out, you may not receive all of the marketing and other information you are accustomed to receiving from us. In the extreme, if one of our critical partners cannot agree to the special contract language, and is considered a “third party”, it is possible that some features of our web site or other services may not work for you after you opt out.

In addition, if you opt-out, we may alert you if a transaction requires a transfer to a third partyso that you can opt in if you would like to continue with the transaction.

Minors. We do not “sell” the data of people under 16, and do not intend to collect data related to people who are under 13.

Exceptions to the opt out. The law creates several exceptions that are important for you to be aware of.

We are allowed to transfer data to a “processor” even if you opt out. The law does not consider that kind of transfer to be a “sale.” A processor is a business that agrees not to use your information for any purpose other than providing the services specified in our contract. For example, we transfer data to business partners to provide data security and detect fraud. Those businesses are “processors.” Even if you opt out, we will continue to transfer data to our processors.

We are also allowed to transfer your data to a third party where you direct the transfer or direct us to interact with the third party. For example, if you direct us to use a specific payment method to pay for your order, even if you have opted out, we will still transfer the data necessary to process your order.

Collecting information and using it ourselves is not a “sale.” Opting out of the “sale” of your data does not prevent us from continuing to collect and process your personal information. You can learn more about how and why we collect personal information at our  Notice of Collection . The “opt out” only applies to “personal information.” This is information that is or is capable of being linked to you. We use anonymization and pseudonymization to protect privacy. That data is not “personal information” Opting out will not limit our transfer of that data to third parties.

Technical limitations on opt out. Please note that there are technical limits to our ability to identify data related to you and, if you opt out, to prevent the "sale" of that information to other parties. Where we can reasonably determine that information relates to you and you have opted out, we will not "sell" it to "third parties" (except as allowed by the law). However, we may not be able to determine that information relates to you. In that case, the information may be "sold" to a third party.

Opting out is not unsubscribe. Opting out of the "sale" of personal information will not prevent you from receiving marketing messages from us. If you wish to unsubscribe from our emails, please follow the unsubscribe link in one of our emails. If you wish to unsubscribe from text messages, please follow the unsubscribe process for the program you opted into.

Opting-out multiple email addresses. If you want multiple email addresses opted out, you must provide each address to us. This is because we have no reasonable way to use a single address you give us to link to other addresses you may have.

HOW TO MAKE A REQUEST If you would like to opt out of the "sale" of your data, you have several options. You may click the opt out button (located below), you may email us at or you may  click here for our privacy compliance toll-free number . You will not be required to create an account in order to opt out.

If you have an account. The easiest way to opt out is to "log in" to your account and then click the opt out button. If you do, the email address associated with your account will be opted out, and we will set a cookie on your device to facilitate your opt out. That cookie will enable us to identify you if you return and allow us to prevent data from being "sold". If you delete the cookie or return using a different device or browser and are not "logged in" to your account, we will not be able to connect the session to your opt out and will not be able to prevent the "sale" of the data.

If you want to opt out using email or our toll-free number, you will need to follow more steps. If you want to opt out an email address that is different from the email on your account, you will need to use the email process or toll-free number to do so. To use the email process or toll-free numbers to opt out, you or your authorized representative will need to provide us the email address you wish to opt out. If you want multiple email addresses opted out, you must provide each address to us. This is because we have no reasonable way to use a single address you give us to link to other addresses you may have.

If you email us or use the toll free number, we will have no way of setting a cookie on your device. This will limit our ability to prevent the "sale" of data. For this reason, the opt out button is the most complete way to opt out of the "sale" of data.

If you do not have an account. The most complete way to opt out is to use the "opt out" button and then follow the prompts to email us the email addresses you would like opted out. If you do, we will set a cookie on your device to facilitate your opt out. That cookie will enable us to identify you if you return and allow us to prevent data from being "sold". If you delete the cookie or return using a different device or browser, we will not be able to connect the session to your opt out and will not be able to prevent the "sale" of the data.

After you click the “opt out” button, if you want to opt an email address out, you must follow the prompts and provide us the address. In the alternative, you may email us or use the toll free number. If you want multiple email addresses opted out, you must provide each address to us. This is because we have no reasonable way to use a single address you give us to link to other addresses you may have.

If you email us or use the toll free number, we will have no way of setting a cookie on your device. This will limit our ability to prevent the "sale" of data. For this reason, the opt out button is the most complete way to opt out of the "sale" of data.

Your guest session is currently opted in

HOW TO APPEAL A DECISION PERTAINING TO A REQUEST Should we deem it necessary to refuse a request, our response will include our reason as well as instructions to appeal the decision. Per OR Law, you will need to appeal within a “reasonable period of time“ after receipt of the decision. Within 45 days of receipt of an appeal, we will inform you in writing of any action taken or not taken in response to the appeal. If the appeal is denied, you may contact the OR Attorney General to submit a complaint.

MORE ON PRIVACY. We take the security and privacy of your data very seriously. If you would like to learn more about it, please read our  Privacy Policy.

Texas Data Privacy and Security Act

Rights and Disclosures for Texas Residents

YOUR RIGHTS We know you want to control your data and you have the right to do so. Here is a list of the rights you have as a resident of Texas:

  • You can ask whether or not we are processing your personal data and ask for a copy of your data or info about what we collect, why and who we share it with
  • You can ask us to correct your data or to delete some of it
  • You can ask us to transfer data you gave us to other companies
  • You can ask to opt-out of the processing of your personal data pertaining to targeted advertising; the sale of personal data; profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning you (see below for more information on your right to opt-out)
  • You will be notified if your personal data is involved in a data breach

RIGHT TO OPT OUT If you are a Texas resident, you have the right to opt out of the “sale” of your personal information to “third parties” Sale is defined very broadly. The law defines “sale”more broadly than you might think. It doesn’t just include the exchange of data for money.Instead, it covers any transfer of personal information to a “third party” in exchange for “monetary consideration” We do not transfer your information to third parties in exchange for money and we will not do so. However, we do transfer personal information to certain third parties in order to operate our business (for example, to market our products and services). It is possible that someone could claim that this transfer was in exchange for “monetary consideration.” We want to be careful with and respectful of your information. Therefore, if you opt out, we will not transfer your information to any “third party” except as explained below (and allowed by law).

Opting out may have impacts you don’t expect. Any transfer of data to a “third party” may be considered a “sale” of data. The law considers any other business a “third party” unless that business agrees to specific contractual provisions, aligning with the role and responsibilities of “processor” under Texas Law. We try to get all of the businesses to whom we send information to accept the role of “processor” and agree to the respective responsibilities in our contract. But not everyone will or can agree to those terms. As a result, if you opt out of the “sale” of data, we will not be able to send data to some of our business partners. That may mean that, after you opt out, you may not receive all of the marketing and other information you are accustomed to receiving from us. In the extreme, if one of our critical partners cannot agree to the special contract language, and is considered a “third party”, it is possible that some features of our web site or other services may not work for you after you opt out.

In addition, if you opt-out, we may alert you if a transaction requires a transfer to a third party so that you can opt in if you would like to continue with the transaction.

Minors. We do not “sell” the data of people under 16, and do not intend to collect data related to people who are under 13.

Exceptions to the opt out. The law creates several exceptions that are important for you to be aware of.

We are allowed to transfer data to a “processor” even if you opt out. The law does not consider that kind of transfer to be a “sale.” A processor is a business that agrees not to use your information for any purpose other than providing the services specified in our contract. For example, we transfer data to business partners to provide data security and detect fraud. Those businesses are “processors.” Even if you opt out, we will continue to transfer data to our processors.

We are also allowed to transfer your data to a third party where you direct the transfer or direct us to interact with the third party. For example, if you direct us to use a specific payment method to pay for your order, even if you have opted out, we will still transfer the data necessary to process your order.

Collecting information and using it ourselves is not a “sale.” Opting out of the “sale” of your data does not prevent us from continuing to collect and process your personal information. You can learn more about how and why we collect personal information at our Notice of Collection. The “opt out” only applies to “personal information.” This is information that is or is capable of being linked to you. We use anonymization and pseudonymization to protect privacy. That data is not “personal information” Opting out will not limit our transfer of that data to third parties.

Technical limitations on opt out. Please note that there are technical limits to our ability to identify data related to you and, if you opt out, to prevent the "sal" of that information to other parties. Where we can reasonably determine that information relates to you and you have opted out, we will not "sell" it to "third parties" (except as allowed by the law). However, we may not be able to determine that information relates to you. In that case, the information may be "sold" to a third party.

Opting out is not unsubscribe. Opting out of the "sale" of personal information will not prevent you from receiving marketing messages from us. If you wish to unsubscribe from our emails, please follow the unsubscribe link in one of our emails. If you wish to unsubscribe from text messages, please follow the unsubscribe process for the program you opted into.

Opting-out multiple email addresses. If you want multiple email addresses opted out, you must provide each address to us. This is because we have no reasonable way to use a single address you give us to link to other addresses you may have.

HOW TO MAKE A REQUEST If you would like to opt out of the "sale" of your data, you have several options. You may click the opt out button (located below), you may email us at or by click here for our privacy compliance toll-free number . You will not be required to create an account in order to opt out.

If you have an account. The easiest way to opt out is to "log in"; to your account and then click the opt out button. If you do, the email address associated with your account will be opted out, and we will set a cookie on your device to facilitate your opt out. That cookie will enable us to identify you if you return and allow us to prevent data from being "sold". If you delete the cookie or return using a different device or browser and are not "logged in" to your account, we will not be able to connect the session to your opt out and will not be able to prevent the "sale" of the data.

If you want to opt out using email or our toll-free number, you will need to follow more steps. If you want to opt out an email address that is different from the email on your account, you will need to use the email process or toll-free number to do so. To use the email process or toll-free numbers to opt out, you or your authorized representative will need to provide us the email address you wish to opt out. If you want multiple email addresses opted out, you must provide each address to us. This is because we have no reasonable way to use a single address you give us to link to other addresses you may have.

If you email us or use the toll free number, we will have no way of setting a cookie on your device. This will limit our ability to prevent the "sale" of data. For this reason, the opt out button is the most complete way to opt out of the "sale" of data.

If you do not have an account. The most complete way to opt out is to use the "opt out" button and then follow the prompts to email us the email addresses you would like opted out. If you do, we will set a cookie on your device to facilitate your opt out. That cookie will enable us to identify you if you return and allow us to prevent data from being "sold". If you delete the cookie or return using a different device or browser, we will not be able to connect the session to your opt out and will not be able to prevent the "sale" of the data.

After you click the “opt out” button, if you want to opt an email address out, you must follow the prompts and provide us the address. In the alternative, you may email us or use the toll free number. If you want multiple email addresses opted out, you must provide each address to us. This is because we have no reasonable way to use a single address you give us to link to other addresses you may have.

If you email us or use the toll free number, we will have no way of setting a cookie on your device. This will limit our ability to prevent the "sale" of data. For this reason, the opt out button is the most complete way to opt out of the "sale" of data.

Your guest session is currently opted in

HOW TO APPEAL A DECISION PERTAINING TO A REQUEST Should we deem it necessary to refuse a request, our response will include our reason as well as instructions to appeal the decision. Per TX Law, you will need to appeal within a “reasonable period of time“ after receipt of the decision. Within 60 days of receipt of an appeal, we will inform you in writing of any action taken or not taken in response to the appeal. If the appeal is denied, you may contact the TX Attorney General to submit a complaint.

Utah Consumer Privacy Act

Rights and Disclosures for Utah Residents

YOUR RIGHTS We know you want to control your data and you have the right to do so. Here is a list of the rights you have as a resident of Utah:

  • You can ask whether or not we are processing your personal data and ask for a copy of your data or info about what we collect, why and who we share it with
  • You can ask us to correct your data or to delete some of it
  • You can ask us to transfer data you gave us to other companies
  • You can ask to opt-out of the processing of your personal data pertaining to targeted advertising; the sale of personal data; profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning you (see below for more information on your right to opt-out)
  • You will be notified if your personal data is involved in a data breach

RIGHT TO OPT OUT If you are a Utah resident, you have the right to opt out of the “sale” of your personal information to “third parties” Sale is defined very broadly. The law defines “sale” more broadly than you might think. It doesn’t just include the exchange of data for money. Instead, it covers any transfer of personal information to a “third party” in exchange for “monetary consideration” We do not transfer your information to third parties in exchange for money and we will not do so. However, we do transfer personal information to certain third parties in order to operate our business (for example, to market our products and services). It is possible that someone could claim that this transfer was in exchange for “monetary consideration.” We want to be careful with and respectful of your information. Therefore, if you opt out, we will not transfer your information to any “third party” except as explained below (and allowed by law).

Opting out may have impacts you don’t expect. Any transfer of data to a “third party” may be considered a “sale” of data. The law considers any other business a “third party” unless that business agrees to specific contractual provisions, aligning with the role and responsibilities of “processor” under Utah Law. We try to get all of the businesses to whom we send information to accept the role of “processor” and agree to the respective responsibilities in our contract. But not everyone will or can agree to those terms. As a result, if you opt out of the “sale” of data, we will not be able to send data to some of our business partners. That may mean that, after you opt out, you may not receive all of the marketing and other information you are accustomed to receiving from us. In the extreme, if one of our critical partners cannot agree to the special contract language, and is considered a “third party”, it is possible that some features of our web site or other services may not work for you after you opt out.

In addition, if you opt-out, we may alert you if a transaction requires a transfer to a third party so that you can opt in if you would like to continue with the transaction

Minors. We do not “sell” the data of people under 16, and do not intend to collect data related to people who are under 13.

Exceptions to the opt out. The law creates several exceptions that are important for you to be aware of.

We are allowed to transfer data to a “processor” even if you opt out. The law does not consider that kind of transfer to be a “sale.” A processor is a business that agrees not to use your information for any purpose other than providing the services specified in our contract. For example, we transfer data to business partners to provide data security and detect fraud. Those businesses are “processors.” Even if you opt out, we will continue to transfer data to our processors.

We are also allowed to transfer your data to a third party where you direct the transfer or direct us to interact with the third party. For example, if you direct us to use a specific payment method to pay for your order, even if you have opted out, we will still transfer the data necessary to process your order.

Collecting information and using it ourselves is not a “sale.” Opting out of the “sale” of your data does not prevent us from continuing to collect and process your personal information. You can learn more about how and why we collect personal information at our Notice of Collection . The “opt out” only applies to “personal information.” This is information that is or is capable of being linked to you. We use anonymization and pseudonymization to protect privacy. That data is not “personal information” Opting out will not limit our transfer of that data to third parties.

Technical limitations on opt out. Please note that there are technical limits to our ability to identify data related to you and, if you opt out, to prevent the "sale" of that information to other parties. Where we can reasonably determine that information relates to you and you have opted out, we will not "sell" it to "third parties" (except as allowed by the law). However, we may not be able to determine that information relates to you. In that case, the information may be "sold" to a third party.

Opting out is not unsubscribe. Opting out of the "sale" of personal information will not prevent you from receiving marketing messages from us. If you wish to unsubscribe from our emails, please follow the unsubscribe link in one of our emails. If you wish to unsubscribe from text messages, please follow the unsubscribe process for the program you opted into.

Opting-out multiple email addresses. If you want multiple email addresses opted out, you must provide each address to us. This is because we have no reasonable way to use a single address you give us to link to other addresses you may have.

HOW TO MAKE A REQUEST If you would like to opt out of the "sale" of your data, you have several options. You may click the opt out button (located below), you may email us at, or you may click here for our privacy compliance toll-free number . You will not be required to create an account in order to opt out.

If you have an account. The easiest way to opt out is to "log in" to your account and then click the opt out button. If you do, the email address associated with your account will be opted out, and we will set a cookie on your device to facilitate your opt out. That cookie will enable us to identify you if you return and allow us to prevent data from being "sold". If you delete the cookie or return using a different device or browser and are not "logged in" to your account, we will not be able to connect the session to your opt out and will not be able to prevent the "sale" of the data.

If you want to opt out using email or our toll-free number, you will need to follow more steps. If you want to opt out an email address that is different from the email on your account, you will need to use the email process or toll-free number to do so. To use the email process or toll-free numbers to opt out, you or your authorized representative will need to provide us the email address you wish to opt out. If you want multiple email addresses opted out, you must provide each address to us. This is because we have no reasonable way to use a single address you give us to link to other addresses you may have.

If you email us or use the toll free number, we will have no way of setting a cookie on your device. This will limit our ability to prevent the "sale" of data. For this reason, the opt out button is the most complete way to opt out of the "sale" of data.

If you do not have an account. The most complete way to opt out is to use the "opt out" button and then follow the prompts to email us the email addresses you would like opted out. If you do, we will set a cookie on your device to facilitate your opt out. That cookie will enable us to identify you if you return and allow us to prevent data from being "sold". If you delete the cookie or return using a different device or browser, we will not be able to connect the session to your opt out and will not be able to prevent the "sale" of the data.

After you click the “opt out” button, if you want to opt an email address out, you must follow the prompts and provide us the address. In the alternative, you may email us or use the toll free number. If you want multiple email addresses opted out, you must provide each address to us. This is because we have no reasonable way to use a single address you give us to link to other addresses you may have.

If you email us or use the toll free number, we will have no way of setting a cookie on your device. This will limit our ability to prevent the "sale" of data. For this reason, the opt out button is the most complete way to opt out of the "sale" of data.

Your guest session is currently opted in

HOW TO APPEAL A DECISION PERTAINING TO A REQUEST Should we deem it necessary to refuse a request, our response will include our reason as well as instructions to appeal the decision. Per UT Law, you will need to appeal within a “reasonable period of time“ after receipt of the decision. Within 60 days of receipt of an appeal, we will inform you in writing of any action taken or not taken in response to the appeal. If the appeal is denied, you may contact the UT Attorney General to submit a complaint.

MORE ON PRIVACY. We take the security and privacy of your data very seriously. If you would like to learn more about it, please read our Privacy Policy.

Additional Rights and Disclosures for Virginia Residents

HOW TO MAKE A REQUEST You may make a request pertaining to Your Rights by emailing or by click here for our privacy compliance toll-free number . When you make a request, we will take steps to verify your identity before responding. This is to protect your information. We will ask you to provide us your email and physical address. If you maintain an account with us, these must match the addresses connected to your account. We will then send you a physical letter to this address with a one-time code. You must email us this code from the email address you provided. Once you do, we will respond to your request. You will not be required to create an account to make a request.

HOW TO APPEAL A DECISION PERTAINING TO A REQUEST Should we deem it necessary to refuse a request, our response will include our reason as well as instructions to appeal the decision. Per VA Law, you will need to appeal within a “reasonable period of time“ after receipt of the decision. Within 60 days of receipt of an appeal, we will inform you in writing of any action taken or not taken in response to the appeal. If the appeal is denied, you may contact the VA Attorney General to submit a complaint.

YOUR RIGHTS Our goal is to serve you. We know you want to control your data and you have the right to do so. Here is a list of the rights you have as a resident of Virginia: • You can ask whether or not we are processing your personal data and ask for a copy of your data or info about what we collect, why and who we share it with • You can ask us to correct your data or to delete some of it • You can ask us to transfer data you gave us to other companies • You can ask to opt-out of the processing of your personal data pertaining to targeted advertising; the sale of personal data; profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning you (see below for more information on your right to opt-out).

RIGHT TO OPT OUT If you are a Virginia resident, you have the right to opt out of the “sale” of your personal information to “third parties” Sale is defined very broadly. The law defines “sale” more broadly than you might think. It doesn’t just include the exchange of data for money. Instead, it covers any transfer of personal information to a “third party” in exchange for “monetary consideration” We do not transfer your information to third parties in exchange for money and we will not do so. However, we do transfer personal information to certain third parties in order to operate our business (for example, to market our products and services). It is possible that someone could claim that this transfer was in exchange for “monetary consideration.” We want to be careful with and respectful of your information. Therefore, if you opt out, we will not transfer your information to any “third party” except as explained below (and allowed by law).

Opting out may have impacts you don’t expect. Any transfer of data to a “third party” may be considered a “sale” of data. The law considers any other business a “third party” unless that business agrees to specific contractual provisions, aligning with the role and responsibilities of “processor” under Virginia Law. We try to get all of the businesses to whom we send information to accept the role of “processor” and agree to the respective responsibilities in our contract. But not everyone will or can agree to those terms. As a result, if you opt out of the “sale” of data, we will not be able to send data to some of our business partners. That may mean that, after you opt out, you may not receive all of the marketing and other information you are accustomed to receiving from us. In the extreme, if one of our critical partners cannot agree to the special contract language, and is considered a “third party”, it is possible that some features of our web site or other services may not work for you after you opt out.

In addition, if you opt-out, we may alert you if a transaction requires a transfer to a third party so that you can opt in if you would like to continue with the transaction.

Minors. We do not “sell” the data of people under 16, and do not intend to collect data related to people who are under 13. Exceptions to the opt out. The law creates several exceptions that are important for you to be aware of.

We are allowed to transfer data to a “processor” even if you opt out. The law does not consider that kind of transfer to be a “sale.” A processor is a business that agrees not to use your information for any purpose other than providing the services specified in our contract. For example, we transfer data to business partners to provide data security and detect fraud. Those businesses are “processors.” Even if you opt out, we will continue to transfer data to our processors.

We are also allowed to transfer your data to a third party where you direct the transfer or direct us to interact with the third party. For example, if you direct us to use a specific payment method to pay for your order, even if you have opted out, we will still transfer the data necessary to process your order.

Collecting information and using it ourselves is not a “sale.” Opting out of the “sale” of your data does not prevent us from continuing to collect and process your personal information. You can learn more about how and why we collect personal information at our Notice of Collection. The “opt out” only applies to “personal information.” This is information that is or is capable of being linked to you. We use anonymization and pseudonymization to protect privacy. That data is not “personal information” Opting out will not limit our transfer of that data to third parties.

Technical limitations on opt out. Please note that there are technical limits to our ability to identify data related to you and, if you opt out, to prevent the “sale” of that information to other parties. Where we can reasonably determine that information relates to you and you have opted out, we will not “sell” it to “third parties” (except as allowed by the law). However, we may not be able to determine that information relates to you. In that case, the information may be “sold” to a third party. Opting out is not unsubscribe. *Opting out of the “sale” of personal information will not prevent you from receiving marketing messages from us. If you wish to unsubscribe from our emails, please follow the unsubscribe link in one of our emails. If you wish to unsubscribe from text messages, please follow the unsubscribe process for the program you opted into.

Opting-out multiple email addresses If you want multiple email addresses opted out, you must provide each address to us. This is because we have no reasonable way to use a single address you give us to link to other addresses you may have.

Do Not Track

Do Not Track (DNT) is a privacy preference that users can set in some web browsers, allowing users to opt out of tracking by websites and online services. At the present time, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has not yet established universal standards for recognizable DNT signals and therefore, we do not recognize DNT.

Policy Changes

We may update this Policy from time to time. We’ll post the new policy here. This Policy was last updated on February 6th, 2023.

Contact Us

Our Data Protection Officer (DPO) is working hard to protect your data. Our DPO can help you with questions about this Policy or your data. If you want to contact our DPO, you can do so by email at You can also mail us at: Data Protection Officer, Urban Outfitters, Inc., 5000 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19112.

If you don’t want us to send you marketing messages anymore, you can contact our DPO or just unsubscribe from the link in one of our messages. You can also contact our DPO to request a copy of this Policy in a different format.

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MORE ON PRIVACY. We take the security and privacy of your data very seriously. If you would like to learn more about it, please read our Privacy Policy.